An artistic folly, residing at the estate of Museum Fraeylemaborg.
A beautiful contemporary folly, draped in glowing copper. The Copper Chamber designed and created by Rene van Zuuk.

Follies in the park
Museum Fraeylemaborg is surrounded by a beautiful park, with exotic trees and unusual plants. To increase the pleasantness of this English style landscape, Museum Fraeylemaborg placed follies throughout the park.
Typical English architectural constructions. Peculiar, surprising, and symbolic. These words apply perfectly to Rene van Zuuk’s folly, ‘The Copper Chamber’.
Changing with the seasons
The Copper Chamber is a free form design, unique in its kind. The complex construction, with various shapes, lines and waves, is beautifully covered in a copper coating. The liquid coating is a perfect lining for the folly’s eccentric wavy forms. The copper material is able to fluently wraps itself around the complex design.
The copper coating perfectly mirrors each quirky Dutch season and each changing Dutch landscape, just as the designers intended. It reflects a sparkling sun during the summertime, followed by a warm red copper crown in the autumn season. The winter frosts and glazes the warm red copper, making it look opaque, just like the Dutch frozen soil. The spring sun transcends the folly’s copper coating into a warm red silky surface again. Rene van Zuuks projects show the constructional and artistic versatility of a liquid coating.

Foam blocks covered with VeroMetal® Copper
The Copper Chamber is built up in layers of ESP foam blocks. All foam blocks were cut out of one large sheet of foam, without leaving any waste material.
The blocks varied in thickness, in order to create a twisted and wavy surface. Hot spray glued the layers together and fixed the structure to a concrete slab. In the final stage the foam construction was finished with VeroMetal® Copper.
The Copper Chamber
VeroMetal® Copper
Surface finish:
EPS with polyurea
René van Zuuk Architecten
Design team:
René van Zuuk, Jan Heimer en Dirk de Groot
Landgoed Fraeylemaborg